Architecture in the Dark

electro-acoustic freeform sonic architecture by an endless contortionist


Sunday, February 3


This evening of sensory deprivation will feature an epic aural performance of chaos, violence, and beauty. Much of the electro-acoustic sound manipulated in this performance is designed from found sound samples existing throughout Los Angeles. Recorded exclusively at odd hours in varying degrees of mental and physical deprivation, it is an expression of intense extremes. Each movement focuses on a central concept immersed in a surrealist juxtaposition. This entire series of sound greatly draws upon the philosophy, ideas, and works of Deleuze and Guattari.

an endless contortionist:
Omar Z. — Laptop & other assorted devices
Matt H. — Laptop & altosaxophone
Televega — Visuals

Warning! Portions of this performance will actually be in actual darkness. If you are uncomfortable with light deprivation or if you fear the darkness in your own soul, you should prepare yourself accordingly…