Film on Film


Film on Film
Wonderers and their Shadows
curated by Sandy Ding
Saturday, December 8 at 8pm

A series of actual films on 16mm film projected from an actual film projector. Film on Film!
Filmakers Madison Brookshire, Sandy Ding, Laida Lertxundi, Mary Beth Reed in person!
Live music by Mark So, Tashi Wada and Douglas Waddle. Tony Cantor and more…

Madison BrookshireOPENING – Using everyday images of overlooked spaces, OPENING finds the strange within the ordinary. A collection of off-ramps, fields and alleys finds the city in the landscape and the landscape in the city. Three musicians playing clear, quiet tones accompany OPENING, turning the film into an indeterminate artwork.

Sandy Ding
Waterspell – “A journey from realism to a supersensory realm, slipping under the surface and between molecules at a microscopic scale. Channeling the subconscious, Water Spell is both odyssey and invocation; a ritual of transformation and retinal blast. The film releases the energy locked within its frames through flickering pulsations of light.” – Mark Webber

Laida Lertxundi
Footnotes to A House of Love – A series of shots in a California desert landscape in which there is a play between on frame and off frame sound. There is an effort to create the space of a story, without a story, by the use of real time/diegetic sound. The film is laboriously honoring play. Love is felt as a force that remains almost off the frame and determines the arrangement of the figures in the landscape.

Mary Beth ReedMoonstreams – “Mary Beth builds up a surface tension that seems quite rocky and solid. This surface gradually begins to crumble and a bubbling of dusty gold begins, like a geyser, to break up this tension. The surface of paints and rhythms begins to flow with the water and everything inside of the body of work begins spilling out until electrical creative charges accompany the liquid gold and rock. Suddenly, out of this storm comes a red and yellow explosion of warmth and creativity, spilling out over the body like a lava flow.” – Courtney Hoskins