Errata Salon
An Ongoing Nonfiction Reading Series
This Month: Lies and Other Bullshit
Hayden Bennett, Jason Brown, Last Nights of Paris
Thursday, July 11 at 8:00pm

Hayden Bennett
“Whisperings from Another World”
Hayden Bennett discusses doppelgängers, their manifestation in literary form, forged documents, and spooky, spooky mirrors.

Jason Brown
“Magic Kingdoms”
Jason Brown talks about the Pioneer Memorial in the exposed caverns of Fort Moore Hill and how it’s a bullshit copy of the REAL pioneer memorial, which is Tom Sawyers Island, built at the same time in the mid-50s.
Other topics may include the historical sailing ship Columbia, the real tunnels of the lizard people, and the actual battle of Los Angeles.

David Eng
“The Bullshit Remix Project”
Brief imitation of an opening act.