Epic Poetry Slam


We’re gonna read some epic poetry!
Sunday, October 10 at 8pm

Welcome to Epic Poetry… SLAM!

We’re gonna read some epic poetry… out loud! AND THAT IS ALL!

The first rule of Epic Poetry Club:
there will be no discussion, philosophizing, or theorizing of epic poetry!

The second rule of Epic Poetry Club:
there will be no discussion, philosophizing, or theorizing of epic poetry!!!

We will have a stack of EPIC POEMS!

We will have everything you could possibly want!

We will have Heavy Books!

We will have Books with Well Designed Covers!


Epic Poetry! How does it work???

Someone will pick up some epic poem!

They will read it for five minutes!

Then they will put it down!

Then the next reader will begin!

It will go on as long as it has to!

Booze it up with Milton and Virgil, just like they did in the Ye Olden Days!

It’s Epic Poetry… SLAM!!!

Epic Dante!