
Fig. 16 -The Pacific Flyway
Fig. 16 -The Pacific Flyway

An evening of literary migrations

May 19 at 8pm

with Amina Cain
Chris Nagler
Emily Abendroth
& Justin Audia

Amina Cain has published her work in journals such as 3rd bed, Denver
Quarterly, Spinning Jenny, La Petite Zine, and has a story forthcoming in
Spuyten Duyvil’s 2008 anthology of experimental women writers. She
currently teaches literature and writing at Columbia College in Chicago.
She also co-curates the Red Rover reading series, and not so long ago
finished writing her first book, a collection of stories entitled I Go To
Some Hollow.

Chris Nagler is currently writing a book of fiction about the architectural
and geographic spaces where U.S. public policy is produced. He is also
editing an anthology of artists’ and writers’ responses to environmental
crises. He teaches community art at San Francisco State University
and makes site-specific performance.

Emily Abendroth is a writer and artist currently residing in Philadelphia,
where she co-curates (with Justin Audia) the Moles Not Molar experimental
reading series and teaches at Temple University. Recent work of hers can
be found or is forthcoming in PocketMyths #4: The Odyssey Project,
Encyclopedia Vol. 2, and horse less review.

Justin Audia lives in Philadelphia where he co-curates (with Emily
Abendroth) the Moles Not Molar reading series. His work has recently
appeared in _Pocket Myths_.