LA-Lit: Chris Kraus


LA-Lit interviews Chris Kraus
Friday, November 3 at 7pm

The LA-Lit podcast (and this event) lasts a little over an hour and will be about 30 minutes of reading and about 30 minutes of questions / answers / and further questions.

Because we will be recording, please try to arrive on time or very quietly.

For more information, see:

Chris Kraus is the Los Angeles based author of I Love Dick (1998), Aliens & Anorexia (2000), Video Green: Los Angeles Art and the Triumph of Nothingness (2004) and Torpor (2006). In 2003 Kraus was cited by the Village Voice Literary Supplement as one of the most important new writers to emerge in the past decade. In 1990, she founded the Native Agents new fiction series for Semiotexte, the visionary independent press founded by Sylvere Lotringer at Columbia University in 1972. Kraus writes about art and culture for many international publications including Index, Artext and Art in America. She was nominated for the 2005 Frank Mather Prize in Art Criticism and is presently the Writer in Residence at Colombia College of Art in Chicago.

Please note the time change from our normal schedule: doors open at 6:45 p.m. and the reading/recording will begin by 7:15 p.m.

LA-Lit interviews poets and writers in the Los Angeles area. Reflecting the shifting nature of Los Angeles as a place, this may mean writers that have lived in LA all their lives or writers who happen to be in LA for a few days. LA-Lit is a place for the literary culture of Los Angeles to develop and exhibit itself. Co-hosted and co-produced by Stephanie Rioux and Mathew Timmons, LA-Lit is sponsored by Superbunker and recorded at Betalevel.

Recordings are podcast every other Sunday at 5pm. You can subscribe to the podcast by visiting our website ( and dragging the subscribe link from the sidebar to your podcast folder in iTunes. You can also directly download past shows by visiting the writer’s page at LA-Lit.