LA-Lit: José Alvergue

LA-Lit interviews José Felipe Alvergue
Sunday, February 19 at 5pm

The LA-Lit podcast (and this event) lasts a little over an hour and will be about 30 minutes of reading and about 30 minutes of questions / answers / and further questions.

Because we will be recording, please try to arrive on time or very quietly.

For more information, see:

José Felipe Alvergue writes in LA. Born in El Salvador, he grew up in San Ysidro, on the US/M?xico Border. While a student at UCSD, he became friends with members of the Taco Shop Poets, and later joined them, redcalaca press (previously known as Calaca Press), and other local artists, writers and activists, as a board member of Voz Alta, a not for profit Chicano/a art gallery and social collective. José is a graduate of the CalArts MFA writing program, and has been published in Temper, M.AG., Fourteen Hills, Nocturnes (audio CD), Black Clock and is slated to appear in the upcoming issue of Trepan 5. He is an educator living in LA.

LA-Lit interviews poets and writers in the Los Angeles area. Reflecting the shifting nature of Los Angeles as a place, this may mean writers that have lived in LA all their lives or writers who happen to be in LA for a few days. LA-Lit is a place for the literary culture of Los Angeles to develop and exhibit itself. Co-hosted and co-produced by Stephanie Rioux and Mathew Timmons, LA-Lit is sponsored by Superbunker and recorded at Betalevel.

Recordings are podcast every other Sunday at 5pm. You can subscribe to the podcast by visiting our website ( and dragging the subscribe link from the sidebar to your podcast folder in iTunes. You can also directly download past shows by visiting the writer?s page at LA-Lit.