La Medusa
La Medusa
Book Party Party
Saturday, September 13 at 7:30pm
Join US for An evening of food & drink, riddled with entertainment. Dancing to follow. De-light to ensue.
feaTuring aMazing *bRief* perFormances by many of the folloWing:
JANET SARBANES flame-eating la difference!
JUDITH FREEMAN whistling Mother!
JOHANNA BLAKELY washing her dotter in soda water!
CHRISTINE WERTHEIM finding the petit objet “a”!
TERESA CARMODY unicycling transubjectivity!
SISSY BOYD autoharping autodictat!
ANNA JOY SPRINGER joiassance on a stick!
BRIGHDE MULLINS daring the adorable detail !
STEPHANIE TAYLOR oh-de-lady-oh!
VANESSA PLACE rendez-vous des cheminots?