LA-Lit: Kristin Palm


LA-Lit interviews Kristin Palm
Sunday, June 1 at 3pm

The LA-Lit podcast (and this event) lasts a little over an hour and will be about 30 minutes of reading and about 30 minutes of questions / answers / and further questions.

Because we will be recording, please try to arrive on time or very quietly.

For more information, see:

Kristin Palm’s writing has appeared in LVNG, Bird Dog, Boog City, Chain, There, Dusie and the anthology Bay Poetics (Faux Press, 2006), as well as numerous magazines and newspapers, including Metropolis, Planning and the Detroit Metro Times. Her book The Straits (two long poems about Detroit, her former hometown) was published this year by the serendipitously named Palm Press. Kristin currently resides in San Francisco, California.