LA-Lit: Therese Bachand


LA-Lit interviews Therese Bachand
Sunday, March 9 at 7pm

The LA-Lit podcast (and this event) lasts a little over an hour and will be about 30 minutes of reading and about 30 minutes of questions / answers / and further questions.

Because we will be recording, please try to arrive on time or very quietly.

For more information, see:

Thérèse Bachand has two collections of poetry due to be published in 2008 – luce a cavallo, a 2005 Gertrude Stein Book Award (Green Integer Books), and Daughter of the Ephemeral Word ( Her work has been anthologized in The PIP Anthology of World Poetry #5 – Intersections: Innovative Poetry in Southern California, and published in many journals, including the Brooklyn Rail, Mirage #4 Period(ical), area sneaks, Minor/American, Primary Writing, Beyond Baroque, and Tinfish. In 2002, she collaborated with Diane Ward and organized a group of LA woman poets who meet periodically on a casual basis.